Slides labelled as 'Meteorite Ovijak, Greenland' - although not detailed this section is most probably from the one that fell in 1870; a slide labelled in pen 'Meteorite, Fayette Co Texas' - most probably from the Bluff (a) meteorite found near La Grange inTexas. The meteorite originally received the name 'Bluff' from an unofficial settlement because a Kentucky iron had already been given that name; two slides by Hensoldt, Wetzlar, of the Fake Braunfels, Germany meteorite both dated 1879, in later card case. (4)
Sold for £1,364
Result plus buyers premium
Slides labelled as 'Meteorite Ovijak, Greenland' - although not detailed this section is most probably from the one that fell in 1870; a slide labelled in pen 'Meteorite, Fayette Co Texas' - most probably from the Bluff (a) meteorite found near La Grange inTexas. The meteorite originally received the name 'Bluff' from an unofficial settlement because a Kentucky iron had already been given that name; two slides by Hensoldt, Wetzlar, of the Fake Braunfels, Germany meteorite both dated 1879, in later card case. (4)
Auction: Fine Photographica & Instruments of Science, 19th Nov, 2021